29 April 2010

Holy Fuck: Latin America

holy fuck's latest video for the single, latin america

vie pitchfork: tv

28 April 2010

i promise.....

i saw this poster on design*sponge this morning and i need to find out where i can get my own copy. i think it would look wonderful hanging in my office :)

i managed to find out that at the AIGA Miami event, Pull + Ink, people were allowed to make their own screenprint of the declaration. amazing!

photos via the bridge house studio blog and design*sponge

22 April 2010


my new favorite iphone app, hipstamatic



7 ukuleles, an accordion and a cajon = The Ooks of Hazzard covering Kids by MGMT

all that's missing is a banjo!

17 April 2010

tattoo tattoo tattoo

via we heart it

09 April 2010

Brusse ♥ Love

i just discovered the work of Brusse this morning. i can't seem to find out too much about this guy except for the fact that he's inspired by love. all his work seems to be is based around the expression of love, relationships and emotion; and is divided into three sections:

"Creating an interaction between people and love represented by objects, words or paintings on the streets, in order to make people thing and rethink their relationships, their own situation and love itself."
love injections
"Extraordinary ways to surprise the one you love."

and spray love
"Love, emotions and relationships symbolized on a canvas."

sweet and simple moments of love. i like. i mean love.

07 April 2010
